Annex C


Site Information


Location: Haxby Road (Clarence Gardens)


85th %ile speed: As below.

Accidents: Nine since 01/01/2017, no definite speed factors.

Background information: An urban 30mph road with residential properties and leisure mix where mean traffic speeds are currently proximate to 20mph and it is reasonably anticipated compliance is achievable.


Officer recommendation: Implement a 20mph speed limit between Lowther Street and Whitecross Road. Approximate cost: £800



Consultation Responses:

1.    I thoroughly support your proposal but may I suggest that the zone is extended slightly north to encompass Rose Street and the entrance to Haxby Road Primary School.

2.    I just wanted to voice my total agreement with the proposed speed limit reduction on Haxby Road to 20mph.

Having lived and walked my child to school on this route for years I can say that people drive far too fast and close to the footpath, and 20mph can't come soon enough!  I really hope you don't get any objections and you get more messages of support.

As it's not covered on this notice, I wondered if the section of Haxby road from Haleys Terrace roundabout to where the current 20 zone starts, just before the school, is also being considered?

It seems to make sense to have the whole road from there to the Wigginton road junction all linked up at 20mph.


Anyway, I really hope this goes ahead as soon as possible.

Officers and Police responses:

In support of the proposal. Reasons: Reasons – This is a busy area close to the hospital, a local park facility, and an area where the on-street parking arrangements warrant a lower limit. Those local features, that the proposal meets the Department for Transport criteria for a reduced speed limit, and the support from the Police and CYC Officers indicate the speed limit reduction is appropriate.

Location: Montague Road and Keble Park estates, Bishopthorpe


85th %ile speed: As below.

Accidents: None since 01/01/2017.


Officer recommendation: Defer owing to consideration of a proposed village-wide 20mph scheme in the following pre-consultation decision paper following.

Consultation Responses:

1.   Hello Peter , I just wanted you to know I think the introduction of a 20 mph speed limit is a great idea . A lot of my neighbours are elderly and I think cars are going too fast on the roads around Montague Road estate. A lot of my neighbours actually walk on the road because the paths are so uneven due to telecom company’s digging them up. So anything that is safer for the community that live in the area is a good thing. I am more than happy to give you feedback.


2.   Following receipt of your letter today I would like to oppose the above in the strongest terms. Reason 1: The roads are so appalling throughout the village it is impossible to exceed 2mph. Reason 2: CYC neglected to properly address a significant safety concern at the junction of Main St & Acaster Lane where parking occurs on a blind bend to accommodate idle people from a walk to the nearby coffee shop. A small section of double yellow lines were provided but they totally fail to address the problem. Reason 3: If CYC were really concerned about road safety you would fix not only the roads but the crumbling footpaths. I have lived here for over 25 years and the village highways and verges are left to disintegrate to the shocking state that exists today. In anticipation of a local authority actually carrying out the will of the majority (not the minority) of residents.


3.   Whilst I have no particular objections to the proposal, who is going to monitor speeding cyclists who can easily exceed 20mph on modern machines. Would the money not be better spent on mending the many dozens of potholes in Bishopthorpe and repairing the crumbling footpaths?


4.   I wish to make a few points in relation to the recent notice of proposal to make several and many streets in Bishopthorpe 20mph. 1. it is Garbett Way not Garbutt Way. 2. You have 20mph in other places like Bishopthorpe Road after Campleshon Road and it was made clear that this limit would never be enforced by the police there fore I see no need to waste time, money and cause road clutter by signing this. Plus the inherent carbon emissions in signage, paint, diesel of work vans and annoyance to everyone. A complete waste of public money at a time when we need the money for other things - a list follows. 3. Speeding on Acaster Lane is a daily occurrence and few pay attention to the 30mph which starts after the bridge. Similarly on the exit to Bishopthorpe over the old railway bridge past Brunswick Nursery and similarly SIm Balk Lane. Better to police these speed limits and put 30 on the road clearly at intervals. I say on the road because we have enough ugly visual clutter already including race course signage for months and months of the year. We have to plead with you to get it taken away in November! 4. The roads are full of potholes especially smaller roads. 5. The parking on the bend of Acaster Lane if you are coming from York and turning left, is hazardous and too close to the bend. No rules observed here by lazy people going to the coffee shop or walking their dogs - who knows what goes on in their head? 6. The state of the pavements around Bishopthorpe are dangerous considering the age of many of the residents here with walkers and walking sticks. And my biggest concern of all is the amount of people close passing cyclists on the stretch between Bishopthorpe and York which is 40mph! Cars overtake when they cannot see ahead and just about miss cars coming in the opposite direction, just in their efforts to get past a bicycle and not be held up for 30 seconds or a minute. They'd rather endanger the cyclists and other road users than wait carefully and the pass on the OTHER side of the road.That's where they should be..... The Dutch changed all of this in the 60's when their road culture was like ours and many cyclists were being killed on a daily basis. Please don't say well the Dutch are different to us - rubbish! They are human beings and they changed, so can we. It's the car drivers responsibility to protect us given they are in a huge metal murder weapon and rarely get killed at 40mph!


5.   Would it be possible to include Acaster Lane from the point of the existing 30mile warning light (approximately opposite the junction to Keble Park North) to the junction with Main Street in the 20 mile order? Traffic from Acaster Malbis direction is often travelling at speed & there are junctions on both sides of Acaster Lane also regularly parked vehicles.


6.   A large area of Bishopthorpe is not included in the plan which possibly should be. Namely the Lang Road Copmanthorpe Lane area. The current speed limits and proposed speed limits in various parts of the village the situation will be far from ideal. I have a proposal. We have four roads leading to Bishopthorpe, If the 20mph signs were located on these roads the entire village would be a 20mph zone. As a result there would be no confusion as to the speed limit. If you are in Bishopthorpe then it’s 20mph. The position of these signs as drivers approach the village:- Sim Balk Lane. No change, Bishopthorpe Road, near St.Andrews Church. Acaster Lane and Appleton Road. Near the cycle track bridge in both cases to replace the 30mph signs. This proposal would not only remove any confusion in regard to speed within Bishopthorpe, it would also result in a saving as signs would only be required in four locations.


7.   I do not agree to this proposal. Why is it now deemed necessary to put in this restriction and the inherent costs in a certain part of the village after nearly 60 years of this estate and the costs involved? I am all for road safety but I am not aware of any serious accidents in this village as the residents seem responsible and considerate? Is this yet more micro management? 20mph is very slow for free flowing traffic with the disadvantage of having to use low gears in vehicles and the corresponding higher use of fuel and pollution. I am very much against the excessive number of speed bumps - except near a school - for the jarring effect on the body and damage to your vehicle. We have recently had repairs - specifically on the suspension system - which I directly blame on the Bishopthorpe and York Roads as this vehicle is only used locally - costing nearly £900. I pay considerable taxes nationally, regionally and locally for the privilege of using my vehicle and in all my years I have never witnessed such a decline in our roads. I wish instead of pursuing this 20mph proposal by the council you would carry out your legal responsibilities to make our roads fit for purpose (and pavements) as they are dangerous and appalling. At present I can virtually not travel any faster than 10/20mph in Bishopthorpe, or drive in a straight line, due to appalling potholes - and just filling them in is not the right answer - which need area surfacing. Why should the majority of motorists have to suffer for the inconsiderate few?


8.   Personally i do not agree with the proposal for village being a 20 mph zone  for a few reasons. 1. You said in our conversation that the mobile speed cameras you put in place to monitor  traffic have an average speed of 21/22 mph recorded. This village is a 30 mph zone apart from main street. 2. If this village is to be  a  20mph zone it will not be long before the whole of york will follow suite . I sometimes have to cross the city  two or three times a day and traffic is bad enough at the best of times. 3. Nobody drives down my road fast .The only  people who use this road are the people  who live on the street,  the amazon driver  and the bus once a day. 4. I  really think the money it will cost to put the signs up in the twenty one streets could be better spent elsewhere  in this village to be honest like  the  dangerous pot holes on maple Avenue , thats where an accident is going to occur due to the road conditions  not people speeding.


9.   We have received your letter regarding the 20 miles per hour speed limit within certain areas of Bishopthorpe, which I feel is a very good idea. So much so that I am requesting if Acaster Lane can be added to the 20 miles per hour zone, if it can we would be more than happy tm support the request along with other residents down Acaster Lane.


10.                I live on Ramsey Avenue and have read your proposal of a 20-mph limit in my area of Bishopthorpe. Can I say what a waste of money. The one and very real threat to road safety in this part of Bishopthorpe is that the road surfaces are so bad that for instance on Maple Avenue the only safe way to drive is in down the centre of the road. You can see cars weaving to avoid these pot holes which are caused by the heavy vehicles as bin wagons and busses. Please can you not waste available funding on this unnecessary scheme but use the resource where there will make a real contribution to making our roads safe. Please find attached a photo of the daily route I follow for health reasons. I do have arthritis on both knees and intermittent calcification in my lower legs. As pictured above, I clearly can’t walk on the horrendously potholed pavements and so my health prescribed walking has to be on the road and virtually in the centre. Why in an area where the average traffic speed is 22 miles per hour are we spending precious money on putting up 20 mph signs along this road when for that money we just might get a serviceable and user safe pavement?


11.                Above is a handwritten response not in favour.


12.                I am objecting to the proposal on several grounds - although I fear

              that raising any concerns will be somewhat futile.


13.                I'd like to support the proposed 20mph roads in Bishopthorpe.



Officers and Police responses: Not supported as the Department for Transport criteria are not met and 85th percentile speeds are too high. It is not felt sufficient reduction in vehicle speeds would be achieved.

Additionally: Defer: Reasons – There is a current proposal from the Ward Councillor in the following pre-consultation speed limit paper considering a village-wide experimental 20mph speed limit for Bishopthorpe, which will incorporate this area.





Location: Sutton Road, Wigginton


85th %ile speed: As below.

Accidents: Three since 01/01/2017, no speed factors.

Background information: A rural 60mph road where there is a business and residences, along with an acute bend. The request is for the 40mph to be extended further away from Wigginton in order that more drivers will be travelling at that speed when they reach the acute bend, business and residences.


Officer recommendation: Not to implement a 40mph speed limit from the existing transition point to a point north of the acute left-hand bend. Approximate cost: £0

Consultation Response:

1.             My name is (Redacted) I have lived in my bungalow and owned the garage next door for 50 years. I cannot see any reason to make the proposed part of Sutton Road a 40mph area. It is not an accident black spot, there are no junctions, traffic lights, roundabouts and is not a residential area. This is a waste of money, time and resources that I’m sure could be put to better use for our area. I am amazed you think this is needed on this road.


Officers and Police responses:

Not supported. Reasons:  Does not meet the Department for Transport criteria for a reduced speed limit, and does not have Police, CYC Officer, or local support, despite the presence of business and residential properties along this stretch of road. Additionally, CYC Highways Road Safety Engineer suggests consideration of other solutions given the RTC history.

: Bradley Lane, Rufforth


85th %ile speed: As below.

Accidents: One since 01/01/2019, a fatality owing to weather. No speed factor.

Background information: A rural unclassified road to the southern side of Rufforth. The request is for a 40mph buffer ‘zone’ between the existing 30mph/60mph transition point and a point south of the double bend owing to recorded vehicle speeds (CSW) and fatal accident in this area.


Officer recommendation: Take no further action. Approximate cost: £0



Consultation Response:

1.    I have received a notice with respect to Bradley Lane. Whilst I agree with the imposition of a speed limit lower than the national limit, I do feel that your notice is legally ineffective because on the front page you mention 40mph whereas on the reverse it says 30mph. One hopes for more detailed reading of a letter prior to issue.

2.    Received your notice regarding the 40 mph speed limit on Bradley Lane this morning.  I spotted on the second page it says “introducing a 30mph speed limit’.  Is this correct?


Officers and Police responses:

Agree with the recommendation (to take no further action). Reasons – the basis for consultation was one fatality in very poor weather circumstances. It is not felt that moving the 30mph limit further away from its existing terminal point will achieve greater compliance within the existing ‘village’ 30mph limit. The proposal does not meet the Department for Transport criteria for a reduced speed limit and does not have Police or CYC Officer support. Additionally, recommended works associated with that collision are being progressed through our drainage team.


Location: Wetherby Road Rufforth (Primary School)


85th%ile speeds: No data from CYC. Community Speed Watch (CSW) data available (but no mean or %ile speeds).

Accidents: None since 01/01/2017.

Background information: A village residential 30mph road in the vicinity of the Primary School that is not included in the Safer Routes to School programme. It is suggested a 20mph limit is appropriate in the interests of the safety of the children and parents/staff, although some further minor engineering measures may be required.


Officer recommendation: Recommend 20mph. Approximate cost £1000


Consultation Responses:

1.    I live opposite the School in Rufforth, so will be in the middle of this.

Not a problem. Just one query, will you be removing the current Chicanes at each end of the current road restrictions?  I hope so, as currently at busy times traffic backs up and then speeds through "to catch up". The new idea should get traffic to keep moving but at a more modet speed.

2.    I thank you for your letter dated 21st April 202 regarding proposed introduction of 20mph Speed Limit - Rufforth. It is hoped that this will result in the permanent removal of the chicanes? If this is the case, I am writing to support the proposal.

3.    On reading your letter of 21 April 2023 advising of the proposed reduction of 20 mph speed limit at Rufforth, I would be grateful if you could advise whether this would replace the existing traffic calming measures or whether this is in addition to them.  The answer to this would greatly affect my response to this proposal.  I would be in favour of the introduction if it was to replace the existing measures but not otherwise.

4.    As residents of Rufforth, with two young children, we welcome the 20mph speed limit. I wonder if it might be sensible to extend the 20mph area to cover the road on either side of the village. Upon moving to Rufforth last year we were visited by several deer in our back garden, but as the number of incidents involving deer on the roads around Rufforth increased, the number of deer we spotted from our windows decreased.

5.    Thank you for your email regarding the above. We from (Redacted) totally concur with the proposal as outlined. Please implement ASAP.



Thank you for the letter informing me of the proposed introduction of 20mph speed limit. I have sent this email this morning as I found it very difficult to contact you by phone to discuss my concerns.

I have been a resident in the village since 2006 which was before the chicanes were put in place.  Since the chicanes were put on the road they have had no impact at all.  They do not work. If anything drivers just ignore the signage… they do not slow down nor do they stop. If anything they are too busy tooting their horn because someone or some car is in their way. Very disappointing! There are a range of big trucks…far too big for the road and speeding cars which use the village as a rat run. The volume of traffic is too much….usually first thing in the morning and at the end of the afternoon. When something happens on the road prior to Rufforth at either end the traffic backs up and it all comes through the village. The volume and speed of the traffic is unacceptable. There has been accidents and one day someone is going to be seriously hurt.

I do not feel I have enough information to make a positive decision to accept your proposals based on the following;

1. Lack of an information regarding the speed of traffic, the type of vehicles which are speeding and the time of the day or day when the offence is taking place. IS THERE A REPORT?


2. Has the Council undergone an environmental health risk assessment (with a particular emphasis on air and noise pollution) on what affects pollution from cars is currently having on the health of adults and children in the village and what would be the implications if traffic was slowed down. IS THERE A PLAN?

3. Information regarding the strategies for dealing with maintaining the weeds, litter (thrown out from the passing cars) and muck on the road around the chicanes.  I am now coming up to my 70 year of age and since the chicanes were put on the road outside my house I have cleared the weeds on the roads to ensure the village looks tidy as visitors come through. Every year I phone the council and every year I am told they have difficulties clearing the mess as the chicanes are in the way.  When I really make a fuss they will then come out to weed kill but that does not solve the problem so this year and from now onwards the weeds can grow and the chicanes can look a mess. A MESS!

4. The pathway outside the primary school is just too narrow and as the children (babies, toddlers, children and adults walk to and from school the range of unacceptable traffic badly interferes with their safety. Risk assessment: HIGH

The current issues for me are…:

a. Just what traffic is speeding through our village…the volume of traffic too.  Does the Council need to consider diverting some of this traffic?

b. Assessing the outcomes of a noise pollution report might indicate that once again too much traffic is using this road and is badly affecting people’s health and the village as a whole.  Once again by diverting the traffic it may go towards solving this problem.

c. The Environmental Health risk assessment will highlight so much.  What needs to happen to effectively reduce the risk for the village.

d. The chicanes do not work and they never have. They need to be removed.  Would the Council consider 30mph speed signage which lights up when speeding cars come into the village…... therefore covering the whole length of the road from the Wetherby end to the York End? If this was the case then some of the issues flagged up from the Environmental Health Report would be solved.

e. Whether the speed of the traffic stays are 30mph or reduces to 20mph it will make no difference to the children using the pathway outside the school.  It is dangerous and the large sided vehicles make it very dangerous for the people using the pathway.

f. Concerns over the maintenance of what ever system is there on the road.

Whilst I acknowledge Rufforth has a ‘speed' problem however I feel so much more should be addressed to solve the it. I the Council has a duty of care to everyone who lives here and decisions should not be made based on financial means. I do not believe just lowering the speed between the two sets of chicanes will make any difference at all….. I believe your proposal is a financially driven way of superficially dealing with a serious problem here in the village. It is a bigger issues which needs to be address.


Is just reducing the speed going to solve the problem…hmmmm…I don’t think so!

Will the speed issues be dealt with by addressing some of the above issues as well as removing the inefficient chicanes and replacing them with a 30mph flashing speed sign which will be applicable for the road right throughout the village? Having this signage at each end of the village.

If the chicanes did work then there would be stationary traffic outside domestic homes giving off car fumes. Not good!!!!!

I really do not want to be difficult and I know people in the village have worked very hard to try and solve the speeding problem however I believe the Council now need to seriously look at the wider picture here and to ensure we are all safe and that means we need to consider the outcomes of the risk assessments and move forwards to make decision set within long term  for the good of everyone. I would very much appreciate it if you could come and talk with me regarding this application.  As it stands now I feel I have to object to your recommendations as I seriously think it will not work and be a waste of time and money. This money could be better spent in other ways. We need to address the traffic issue as a whole.


7.    Thanks for sending the notice through to me. I live at (Redacted) in Rufforth, right next to the  first “chicane” on Wetherby Road if you are driving into York. I have no strong views about the proposed 20mph limit – it is certainly not something I was agitating for. However, if work is to be done on the road then I would consider the more urgent step that needs to be taken is the removal of both chicanes. There are two reasons for this:-

·         Lessening the possibility of accidents. I regularly hear the sound of screeching brakes as drivers belatedly realise they do not have right of way.

·         Lessening pollution – vehicles are regularly stationary for some time by the chicane, especially given the amount of slow-moving agricultural traffic that goes through the village, and do not switch their engines off during this period.

8.    I’m pleased to see the proposal but wouldn’t it be better extended further through our village to the traffic island near the old shop where Bradley Lane joins Wetherby Road(B1224)?





Officers and Police responses:

All approve as this location is an anomaly it is not included in the ‘Safer Routes to School’ Scheme. Reasons – to further ensure a greater degree of safety for all road users in the school vicinity, especially for those who are vulnerable. This proposal meets the Department for Transport criteria for a reduced speed limit and has Police and CYC Officer support.